Wednesday, May 18, 2016

June Crochet-Along and Crochet Workshop

50% off: 3 Knitting/Crochet Class Package

Sign up for 3 knitting or crochet classes (Thursday evenings) and get 50% off!

That's a $30 savings!

Offer good through May 31st! 

Instructors Needed: needle felting, wet felting, and tatting

We're looking for instructors in the following areas:

  • needle felting
  • wet felting
  • tatting (needle and shuttle)
If you're interested, please email us at OR call us @ 256-318-3423 (leave a message). 

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

May Classes/Workshops

May Classes/Workshop
Knitting Classes (every level) taught EVERY Thursday evening at 7pm ($20/class)
Crochet Classes (every level) taught EVERY Thursday evening at 6pm ($20/class)
Beginner Rigid Heddle Weaving Workshop, Saturday, May 21 @ 4pm ($40/person)
Private lessons available in knitting, crochet, Tunisian crochet, drop spindle, spinning wheel,
 and rigid heddle loom weaving. Prices vary. Message or call for details.